php ingres 函数 get a cursor name for a given result resourcephp ingres 函数 get the last ingres error number generatedphp ingres 函数 get a meaningful error message for the last error generatedphp ingres 函数 get the last sqlstate error code generatedphp ingres 函数 escape special characters for use in a queryphp ingres 函数 execute a prepared queryphp ingres 函数 fetch a row of result into an arrayphp ingres 函数 fetch a row of result into an associative arrayphp ingres 函数 fetch a row of result into an objectphp ingres 函数 get the type of a field in a query resultphp ingres 函数 free the resources associated with a result identifierphp ingres 函数 get the next ingres errorphp ingres 函数 get the number of fields returned by the last queryphp ingres 函数 get the number of rows affected or returned by a queryphp ingres 函数 open a persistent connection to an ingres databasephp ingres 函数 prepare a query for later executionphp ingres 函数 send an sql query to ingresphp ingres 函数 set the row position before fetching dataphp ingres 预定义常量php ingres 范例