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PHP Manual
对 SQLite v3 数据库的支持信息。
php 针对各数据库系统对应的扩展 sqlite
php 针对各数据库系统对应的扩展 sqlite3
php sqlite 函数 registers a regular user defined function for use in sql statements
php sqlite 函数 fetches the current row from a result set as an array
php sqlite 函数 returns the textual description of an error code
php sqlite 函数 escapes a string for use as a query parameter
php sqlite 函数 returns the error code of the last error for a database
php sqlite 函数 returns the rowid of the most recently inserted row
php sqlite 函数 returns the encoding of the linked sqlite library
php sqlite 函数 execute a query that does not prefetch and buffer all data
php sqlite 函数 returns whether more rows are available
php sqlite3 简介
php sqlite 预定义常量
php sqlite3 executes a result less query against a given database
php sqlite3 returns the numeric result code of the most recent failed sqlite request
php sqlite3 returns english text describing the most recent failed sqlite request
php sqlite3result returns the type of the nth column
php sqlite3result fetches a result row as an associative or numerically indexed array or both
php sqlite3result closes the result set
php sqlite3result returns the number of columns in the result set