php ldap 函数 send ldap pagination controlphp ldap 函数 count the number of entries in a searchphp ldap 函数 delete an entry from a directoryphp ldap 函数 delete an entry from a directoryphp ldap 函数 convert dn to user friendly naming formatphp ldap 函数 return first referencephp ldap 函数 free result memoryphp ldap 函数 get attributes from a search result entryphp ldap 函数 get the dn of a result entryphp ldap 函数 get all result entriesphp ldap 函数 replace attribute values with new onesphp ldap 函数 get the next attribute in resultphp ldap 函数 get next result entryphp ldap 函数 get next referencephp ldap 函数 translate t61 characters to 8859 charactersphp ldap 函数 unbind from ldap directoryphp ldap 简介php ldap 预定义常量php ldap ldap controlsphp ldap ldap 函数