26.3.4. 与J2EE和其他Java框架一起使用 Connector/J

本节介绍了在数种不同情况下使用Connector/J的方法。 一般J2EE概念

在本节中,介绍了与Connector/J使用有关的J2EE概念的基本知识。 理解连接池




·         缩短了连接创建时间


·         简化的编程模型


·         受控的资源使用




幸运的是,Sun公司通过JDBC-2.0“可选”接口,完成了JDBC中连接池概念的标准化实施,所有主要应用服务器均实施了能够与MySQL Connector/J一起良好工作的这类API。


示例26.12. 与J2EE应用服务器一起使用连接池

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;

import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.sql.DataSource;

public class MyServletJspOrEjb {

    public void doSomething() throws Exception {
         * Create a JNDI Initial context to be able to
         *  lookup  the DataSource
         * In production-level code, this should be cached as
         * an instance or static variable, as it can
         * be quite expensive to create a JNDI context.
         * Note: This code only works when you are using servlets
         * or EJBs in a J2EE application server. If you are
         * using connection pooling in standalone Java code, you
         * will have to create/configure datasources using whatever
         * mechanisms your particular connection pooling library
         * provides.

        InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();

          * Lookup the DataSource, which will be backed by a pool
          * that the application server provides. DataSource instances
          * are also a good candidate for caching as an instance
          * variable, as JNDI lookups can be expensive as well.

        DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/MySQLDB");

         * The following code is what would actually be in your
         * Servlet, JSP or EJB 'service' method...where you need
         * to work with a JDBC connection.

        Connection conn = null;
        Statement stmt = null;

        try {
            conn = ds.getConnection();

             * Now, use normal JDBC programming to work with
             * MySQL, making sure to close each resource when you're
             * finished with it, which allows the connection pool
             * resources to be recovered as quickly as possible

            stmt = conn.createStatement();
            stmt.execute("SOME SQL QUERY");

            stmt = null;

            conn = null;
        } finally {
             * close any jdbc instances here that weren't
             * explicitly closed during normal code path, so
             * that we don't 'leak' resources...

            if (stmt != null) {
                try {
                } catch (sqlexception sqlex) {
                    // ignore -- as we can't do anything about it here

                stmt = null;

            if (conn != null) {
                try {
                } catch (sqlexception sqlex) {
                    // ignore -- as we can't do anything about it here

                conn = null;

如上例所示,获得JNDI InitialContext并查找到数据库后,其余代码与过去在JDBC编程中使用的类似。



与所有其他配置经验规则一样,回答是“它取决于具体情况”。尽管最佳大小取决与预期的负载和平均的数据库事务时间,最佳的连接池大小小于你的预期。例如,如果使用的是Sun公司的Java Petstore Blueprint应用程序,对于包含15~20个连接的连接池,使用MySQL和Tomcat,在可接受的相应时间下,可服务于中等程度的负载(600个并发用户)。

要想确定用于应用程序的连接池大小,应使用诸如Apache Jmeter或The Grinder等工具创建负载测试脚本,并对应用程序进行负载测试。

确定出发点的一种简单方法是,将连接池的最大连接数配置为“无限”,运行负载测试,并测量最大的并发连接数。随后,应进行反向操作,确定出使应用程序具有最佳性能的连接池的最小和最大值。 与Tomcat一起使用Connector/J


首先安装与Connector/J in $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib一起提供的.jar文件,以便它能用于已安装的所有应用程序。

其次,在定义Web应用程序的Context(场景)内,通过为$CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml增加声明资源,配置JNDI DataSource:

<Context ....>


  <Resource name="jdbc/MySQLDB"

  <!-- The name you used above, must match _exactly_ here!

       The connection pool will be bound into JNDI with the name

  <ResourceParams name="jdbc/MySQLDB">

    <!-- Don't set this any higher than max_connections on your
         MySQL server, usually this should be a 10 or a few 10's
         of connections, not hundreds or thousands -->


    <!-- You don't want to many idle connections hanging around
         if you can avoid it, only enough to soak up a spike in
         the load -->


    <!-- Don't use autoReconnect=true, it's going away eventually
         and it's a crutch for older connection pools that couldn't
         test connections. You need to decide if your application is
         supposed to deal with SQLExceptions (hint, it should), and
         how much of a performance penalty you're willing to pay
         to ensure 'freshness' of the connection -->

      <value>SELECT 1</value>

   <!-- The most conservative approach is to test connections
        before they're given to your application. For most applications
        this is okay, the query used above is very small and takes
        no real server resources to process, other than the time used
        to traverse the network.

        If you have a high-load application you'll need to rely on
        something else. -->


   <!-- Otherwise, or in addition to testOnBorrow, you can test
        while connections are sitting idle -->


    <!-- You have to set this value, otherwise even though
         you've asked connections to be tested while idle,
         the idle evicter thread will never run -->


    <!-- Don't allow connections to hang out idle too long,
         never longer than what wait_timeout is set to on the
         server...A few minutes or even fraction of a minute
         is sometimes okay here, it depends on your application
         and how much spikey load it will see -->


    <!-- Username and password used when connecting to MySQL -->



    <!-- Class name for the Connector/J driver -->


    <!-- The JDBC connection url for connecting to MySQL, notice
         that if you want to pass any other MySQL-specific parameters
         you should pass them here in the URL, setting them using the
         parameter tags above will have no effect, you will also
         need to use &amp; to separate parameter values as the
         ampersand is a reserved character in XML -->




Error: java.sql.SQLException: Cannot load JDBC driver class 'null ' SQL
state: null 与JBoss一起使用Connector/J


        <!-- This connection pool will be bound into JNDI with the name
             "java:/MySQLDB" -->



        <!-- Don't set this any higher than max_connections on your
         MySQL server, usually this should be a 10 or a few 10's
         of connections, not hundreds or thousands -->


        <!-- Don't allow connections to hang out idle too long,
         never longer than what wait_timeout is set to on the
         server...A few minutes is usually okay here,
         it depends on your application
         and how much spikey load it will see -->


        <!-- If you're using Connector/J 3.1.8 or newer, you can use
             our implementation of these to increase the robustness
             of the connection pool. -->

