mysql alter procedure和alter functionmysql create function/drop function语法mysql create procedure和create functionmysql drop database语法mysql drop index语法mysql drop procedure和drop functionmysql drop table语法mysql drop trigger语法mysql drop view语法mysql show create procedure和show create functionmysql show procedure status和show function statusphp map updates all values by applying a callback function to each valuephp grapheme 函数 function to extract a sequence of default grapheme clusters from a text buffer which must be encoded in utf 8php output control 函数 在ob start中使用的用来压缩输出缓冲区中内容的回调函数。ob start callback function to gzip output bufferphp runkit 函数 process a php file importing function and class definitions overwriting where appropriatephp statistic 函数 probability density function of the t distributionphp mysql xdevapi collection drop collection indexphp mysql xdevapi schema drop collection from schemaphp mysql xdevapi session drop a schemaphp swoole mysql register callback function based on event name.