- 简介
- 安装/配置
- 预定义常量
- 范例
- The structure of a Service Component
- Obtaining a proxy for another Service Component
- Calling another Service Component
- Locating and calling services from a script which is not an SCA Component
- Exposing a Service Component as a Web service
- Deploying an SCA component
- Obtaining the WSDL for an SCA component offering a Service as a Web service
- Understanding how the WSDL is generated
- Working with Data Structures
- Error handling
- SCA 函数
- SCA::createDataObject — Create an SDO
- SCA::getService — Obtain a proxy for a service
- SCA_LocalProxy::createDataObject — Create an SDO
- SCA_SoapProxy::createDataObject — Create an SDO