The MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\CommandSucceededEvent class

(mongodb >=1.3.0)


The MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\CommandSucceededEvent class encapsulates information about a successful command.


final MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\CommandSucceededEvent {
/* 方法 */
final public getCommandName ( void ) : string
final public getDurationMicros ( void ) : int
final public getOperationId ( void ) : string
final public getReply ( void ) : object
final public getRequestId ( void ) : string
final public getServer ( void ) : MongoDB\Driver\Server

Table of Contents

php mongodb driver the mongodb driver cursorid classphp mongodb driver exception the mongodb driver exception authenticationexception classphp mongodb driver exception the mongodb driver exception bulkwriteexception classphp mongodb driver exception the mongodb driver exception connectionexception classphp mongodb driver monitoring the mongodb driver monitoring commandfailedevent classphp mongodb driver monitoring the mongodb driver monitoring commandstartedevent classphp mongodb driver monitoring the mongodb driver monitoring commandsubscriber interfacephp mongodb driver monitoring the mongodb driver monitoring commandsucceededevent classphp mongodb driver monitoring the mongodb driver monitoring subscriber interfacephp mongodb driver the mongodb driver query classphp mongodb driver monitoring commandstartedevent returns the server on which the command was executedphp mongodb driver monitoring commandsubscriber notification method for a failed commandphp mongodb driver monitoring commandsubscriber notification method for a started commandphp mongodb driver monitoring commandsubscriber notification method for a successful commandphp mongodb driver monitoring commandsucceededevent returns the command namephp mongodb driver monitoring commandsucceededevent returns the command s duration in microsecondsphp mongodb driver monitoring commandsucceededevent returns the command s operation idphp mongodb driver monitoring commandsucceededevent returns the command reply documentphp mongodb driver monitoring commandsucceededevent returns the command s request idphp mongodb driver monitoring commandsucceededevent returns the server on which the command was executed