php domentityreference creates a new domentityreference objectphp deque creates a new instancephp map creates a new instancephp map creates a new map using values from the current instance and another mapphp map creates a new map using keys of either the current instance or of another map but not of bothphp pair creates a new instancephp priorityqueue creates a new instancephp queue creates a new instancephp set creates a new instancephp set creates a new set using values from the current instance and another setphp set creates a new set using values in either the current instance or in another set but not in bothphp stack creates a new instancephp vector creates a new instancephp eventlistener creates new connection listener associated with an event basephp evfork creates a stopped instance of evfork watcher classphp hyperwave api 函数 creates a new instance of class hwapi object newphp rrdcreator creates new rrdcreator instancephp rrdgraph creates new rrdgraph instancephp rrdupdater creates new rrdupdater instancephp swfmorph creates a new swfmorph object