
(PECL event >= 1.10.0)

EventBufferEvent::sslGetCipherVersionReturns version of cipher used by current SSL connection


public EventBufferEvent::sslGetCipherVersion ( void ) : string

Retrieves version of cipher used by current SSL connection.


This function is available only if Event is compiled with OpenSSL support.




Returns the current cipher version of the SSL connection, or FALSE on error.

php ev returns the set of backends supported by current libev configurationphp eventbufferevent returns underlying input buffer associated with current buffer eventphp eventbufferevent returns underlying output buffer associated with current buffer eventphp eventbufferevent returns a textual description of the cipherphp eventbufferevent returns the current cipher name of the ssl connectionphp eventbufferevent returns version of cipher used by current ssl connectionphp eventbufferevent returns the name of the protocol used for current ssl connectionphp ibm db2 函数 returns the auto generated id of the last insert query that successfully executed on this connectionphp maxdb 函数 returns a string representing the type of connection usedphp maxdb 函数 returns the thread id for the current connectionphp mysqlnd ms 函数 returns an array which describes the last used connectionphp odbc 函数 returns information about a current connectionphp gmagickdraw returns the opacity used when drawingphp imagickdraw returns an array representing the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke pathsphp mysqlnduhconnection returns a string representing the type of connection usedphp mysqlnduhconnection returns the thread id for the current connectionphp mysqlnduhconnection used for establishing secure connections using sslphp oci lob returns current state of buffering for the large objectphp recursivedirectoryiterator returns whether current entry is a directory and not . or .. php simplexmliterator returns the sub elements of the current element