
(PECL ev >= 0.2.0)

EvLoop::timerCreates EvTimer watcher object associated with the current event loop instance


final public EvLoop::timer ( float $after , float $repeat , callable $callback [, mixed $data = NULL [, int $priority = 0 ]] ) : EvTimer

Creates EvTimer watcher object associated with the current event loop instance


All parameters have the same meaning as for EvTimer::__construct()


Returns EvTimer object on success


php map creates a new map using keys of either the current instance or of another map but not of bothphp eventbufferevent returns underlying input buffer associated with current buffer eventphp eventbufferevent returns underlying output buffer associated with current buffer eventphp evidle creates instance of a stopped evidle watcher objectphp evloop creates evcheck object associated with the current event loop instancephp evloop creates evchild object associated with the current event loopphp evloop constructs the event loop objectphp evloop returns or creates the default event loopphp evloop creates an instance of evembed watcher associated with the current evloop objectphp evloop creates evfork watcher object associated with the current event loop instancephp evloop creates evidle watcher object associated with the current event loop instancephp evloop create evio watcher object associated with the current event loop instancephp evloop returns the current event loop time php evloop creates evperiodic watcher object associated with the current event loop instancephp evloop creates evprepare watcher object associated with the current event loop instancephp evloop creates evsignal watcher object associated with the current event loop instancephp evloop creates evstat watcher object associated with the current event loop instancephp evloop creates evtimer watcher object associated with the current event loop instancephp evprepare creates a stopped instance of evprepare watcherphp evtimer creates evtimer stopped watcher object