php ctype 预定义常量php ffi gets the alignmentphp ffi loads c declarations from a c header filephp ffi gets the size of c data or typesphp ffi creates an ffi ctype object from a c declarationphp ffi gets the ffi ctype of ffi cdataphp ctype 函数 检测可打印的字符是不是不包含空白、数字和字母php dbase 函数 gets a record from a database as an associative arrayphp imap 函数 gets the last imap error that occurred during this page requestphp imap 函数 gets and sort messagesphp rrd 函数 gets information about rrd filephp gmagick gets the index of the current active imagephp imagick gets the colorspacephp imagick gets the image delayphp imagick gets the image iterationsphp mongolog gets the level s currently being loggedphp multipleiterator gets the registered iterator instancesphp reflectiongenerator gets the file name of the currently executing generatorphp simplexmlelement gets the name of the xml elementphp splfileinfo gets the file group