php ffi ffi exceptionsphp dateperiod gets the start datephp domdocument create new cdata nodephp eventhttpconnection gets the remote address and port associated with the connectionphp ffi gets the alignmentphp ffi 预定义常量php ffi gets the size of c data or typesphp ffi creates an ffi ctype object from a c declarationphp ffi gets the ffi ctype of ffi cdataphp ctype 函数 做字母和数字字符检测php ps 函数 gets certain valuesphp paradox 函数 gets a valuephp gmagick gets the extrema for the imagephp gmagick gets the image scenephp imagick gets image clip maskphp mysqli result gets the number of rows in a resultphp mysqli stmt gets a result set from a prepared statementphp reflectionclassconstant gets valuephp reflectionzendextension gets urlphp splfileinfo gets absolute path to file