php filter 预定义常量php filter 安装/配置php ldap 函数 escape a string for use in an ldap filter or dnphp stream 函数 attach a filter to a streamphp stream 函数 attach a filter to a streamphp stream 函数 register a user defined stream filterphp gmagick adds blur filter to imagephp imagick adds adaptive blur filter to imagephp imagick applies a digital filterphp imagick adds vignette filter to the imagephp imagick applies wave filter to the imagephp intltimezone get an enumeration over system time zone ids with the given filter conditionsphp locale checks if a language tag filter matches with localephp mysql xdevapi collectionfind set document field filterphp mysql xdevapi tableupdate set search filterphp 概念 filterphp filter 过滤器函数php solrquery overrides main filter query determines which documents to include in the main groupphp solrquery returns the expand filter queriesphp solrquery removes a filter query