
(PECL CUBRID >= 8.4.0)

cubrid_next_resultGet result of next query when executing multiple SQL statements


cubrid_next_result ( resource $result ) : bool

The cubrid_next_result() function is used to get results of next query if multiple SQL statements are executed and CUBRID_EXEC_QUERY_ALL flag is set upon cubrid_execute().



result comes from a call to cubrid_execute()


TRUE, when process is successful.

FALSE, when process is unsuccessful.


Example #1 cubrid_next_result() example


$sql_stmt "SELECT * FROM code; SELECT * FROM history WHERE host_year=2004 AND event_code=20281";
$res cubrid_execute($conn$sql_stmtCUBRID_EXEC_QUERY_ALL);


printf("\n------------ get_result_info --------------------\n");

$row_num cubrid_num_rows($req);
$col_num cubrid_num_cols($req);

$column_name_list cubrid_column_names($req);
$column_type_list cubrid_column_types($req);

$column_last_name cubrid_field_name($req$col_num 1);
$column_last_table cubrid_field_table($req$col_num 1);

$column_last_type cubrid_field_type($req$col_num 1);
$column_last_len cubrid_field_len($req$col_num 1);

$column_1_flags cubrid_field_flags($req1);

printf("%-30s %d\n""Row count:"$row_num);
printf("%-30s %d\n""Column count:"$col_num);

printf("%-30s %-30s %-15s\n""Column Names""Column Types""Column Len");

$size count($column_name_list);
$i 0$i $size$i++) {
$column_len cubrid_field_len($req$i);
printf("%-30s %-30s %-15s\n"$column_name_list[$i], $column_type_list[$i], $column_len); 

printf("%-30s %s\n""Last Column Name:"$column_last_name);
printf("%-30s %s\n""Last Column Table:"$column_last_table);
printf("%-30s %s\n""Last Column Type:"$column_last_type);
printf("%-30s %d\n""Last Column Len:"$column_last_len);
printf("%-30s %s\n""Second Column Flags:"$column_1_flags);



------------ get_result_info --------------------
Row count:                     6
Column count:                  2

Column Names                   Column Types                   Column Len     
s_name                         char                           1              
f_name                         varchar                        6              

Last Column Name:              f_name
Last Column Table:             code
Last Column Type:              varchar
Last Column Len:               6
Second Column Flags:           

------------ get_result_info --------------------
Row count:                     4
Column count:                  5

Column Names                   Column Types                   Column Len     
event_code                     integer                        11             
athlete                        varchar                        40             
host_year                      integer                        11             
score                          varchar                        10             
unit                           varchar                        5              

Last Column Name:              unit
Last Column Table:             history
Last Column Type:              varchar
Last Column Len:               5
Second Column Flags:           not_null primary_key unique_key


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