
(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7, PECL enchant >= 0.1.0 )

enchant_dict_suggestWill return a list of values if any of those pre-conditions are not met


enchant_dict_suggest ( resource $dict , string $word ) : array



Dictionary resource


Word to use for the suggestions.


Will returns an array of suggestions if the word is bad spelled.


Example #1 A enchant_dict_suggest() example

$r enchant_broker_init();
if (
enchant_broker_dict_exists($r,$tag)) {
$d enchant_broker_request_dict($r$tag);

$wordcorrect enchant_dict_check($d"soong");
    if (!
$wordcorrect) {
$suggs enchant_dict_suggest($d"soong");
"Suggestions for 'soong':";


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