
(PHP 5 >= 5.0.5 < 5.1.0, PECL mcve >= 1.0.0)

m_responsekeysReturns array of strings which represents the keys that can be used for response parameters on this transaction


m_responsekeys ( resource $conn , int $identifier ) : array




m_initengine() 返回的 MCVE_CONN 资源。



php map returns a representation that can be converted to jsonphp priorityqueue returns a representation that can be converted to jsonphp queue returns a representation that can be converted to jsonphp set returns a representation that can be converted to jsonphp stack returns a representation that can be converted to jsonphp dbx 函数 escape a string so it can safely be used in an sql statementphp gnupg 函数 returns an array with information about all keys that matches the given patternphp mcve 函数 returns array of strings which represents the keys that can be used for response parameters on this transactionphp mysqlnd ms 函数 returns an array which describes the last used connectionphp svn 函数 creates and returns a stream that will be used to replacephp mongodb bson binary returns a representation that can be converted to jsonphp mongodb bson decimal128 returns a representation that can be converted to jsonphp mongodb bson maxkey returns a representation that can be converted to jsonphp mongodb bson objectid returns a representation that can be converted to jsonphp mongodb bson symbol returns a representation that can be converted to jsonphp mongodb bson undefined returns a representation that can be converted to jsonphp mongodb bson utcdatetime returns a representation that can be converted to jsonphp mongogridfsfile returns a resource that can be used to read the stored filephp solrquery returns the list of fields that will be returned in the responsephp swoole mmap map a file into memory and return the stream resource which can be used by php stream operations.