
(mongodb >=1.0.0)

MongoDB\BSON\fromPHPReturns the BSON representation of a PHP value


MongoDB\BSON\fromPHP ( array|object $value ) : string

Serializes a PHP array or object (e.g. document) to its » BSON representation. The returned binary string will describe a BSON document.


value ( array|object)

PHP value to be serialized.


The serialized BSON document as a binary string.



Example #1 MongoDB\BSON\fromPHP() example


MongoDB\BSON\fromPHP(['foo' => 1]);
bin2hex($bson), "\n";





php 函数 returns the bson representation of a json valuephp 函数 returns the bson representation of a php valuephp 函数 returns the canonical extended json representation of a bson valuephp 函数 returns the legacy extended json representation of a bson valuephp 函数 returns the php representation of a bson valuephp 函数 returns the relaxed extended json representation of a bson valuephp sqlite 函数 executes a query and returns either an array for one single column or the value of the first rowphp com 函数 returns the absolute value of a variantphp yaml 函数 returns the yaml representation of a valuephp hyperwave api 函数 returns value of attributephp mongodb bson binary returns a representation that can be converted to jsonphp mongodb bson decimal128 returns a representation that can be converted to jsonphp mongodb bson decimal128 returns the string representation of this decimal128php mongodb bson decimal128interface returns the string representation of this decimal128interfacephp mongodb bson int64 returns a representation that can be converted to jsonphp mongodb bson maxkey returns a representation that can be converted to jsonphp mongodb bson objectid returns the hexidecimal representation of this objectidphp mongodb bson objectidinterface returns the hexidecimal representation of this objectidinterfacephp mongodb bson symbol returns a representation that can be converted to jsonphp mongodb bson utcdatetime returns a representation that can be converted to json