
(PECL runkit >= 0.7.0)

runkit_sandbox_output_handler Specify a function to capture and/or process output from a runkit sandbox


runkit_sandbox_output_handler ( object $sandbox [, mixed $callback ] ) : mixed

Ordinarily, anything output (such as with echo or print) will be output as though it were printed from the parent's scope. Using runkit_sandbox_output_handler() however, output generated by the sandbox (including errors), can be captured by a function outside of the sandbox.

Note: 沙箱支持(是 runkit_lint()runkit_lint_file() 函数,与 Runkit_Sandbox 类所必需)仅可用于 PHP 5.1.0 或 PHP 5.0 的特别修补版本,并需启用线程安全。更多信息可参见 runkit 包中的 README 文件。

Note: Deprecated

As of runkit version 0.5, this function is deprecated and is scheduled to be removed from the package prior to a 1.0 release. The output handler for a given Runkit_Sandbox instance may be read/set using the array offset syntax shown on the Runkit_Sandbox class definition page.



Object instance of Runkit_Sandbox class on which to set output handling.


Name of a function which expects one parameter. Output generated by sandbox will be passed to this callback. Anything returned by the callback will be displayed normally. If this parameter is not passed then output handling will not be changed. If a non-truth value is passed, output handling will be disabled and will revert to direct display.


Returns the name of the previously defined output handler callback, or FALSE if no handler was previously defined.


Example #1 Feeding output to a variable

function capture_output($str) {
$GLOBALS['sandbox_output'] .= $str;


$sandbox_output '';

$php = new Runkit_Sandbox();
$php->eval('var_dump("Excuse me");');
$php->die("I lost myself.");

"Sandbox Complete\n\n";


Sandbox Complete

string(9) "Excuse me"
I lost myself.

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