
(PHP 5, PHP 7)

simplexml_load_string Interprets a string of XML into an object


simplexml_load_string ( string $data [, string $class_name = "SimpleXMLElement" [, int $options = 0 [, string $ns = "" [, bool $is_prefix = FALSE ]]]] ) : SimpleXMLElement

Takes a well-formed XML string and returns it as an object.



A well-formed XML string


You may use this optional parameter so that simplexml_load_string() will return an object of the specified class. That class should extend the SimpleXMLElement class.


Since PHP 5.1.0 and Libxml 2.6.0, you may also use the options parameter to specify additional Libxml parameters.


Namespace prefix or URI.


TRUE if ns is a prefix, FALSE if it's a URI; defaults to FALSE.


Returns an object of class SimpleXMLElement with properties containing the data held within the xml document, 或者在失败时返回 FALSE.


此函数可能返回布尔值 FALSE,但也可能返回等同于 FALSE 的非布尔值。请阅读 布尔类型章节以获取更多信息。应使用 === 运算符来测试此函数的返回值。


Produces an E_WARNING error message for each error found in the XML data.


Use libxml_use_internal_errors() to suppress all XML errors, and libxml_get_errors() to iterate over them afterwards.


Example #1 Interpret an XML string

= <<<XML
<?xml version='1.0'?> 
 <title>Forty What?</title>
  I know that's the answer -- but what's the question?

$xml simplexml_load_string($string);



SimpleXMLElement Object
  [title] => Forty What?
  [from] => Joe
  [to] => Jane
  [body] =>
   I know that's the answer -- but what's the question?

At this point, you can go about using $xml->body and such.


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