


(PHP 5 < 5.4.0, PECL sqlite >= 1.0.0)

sqlite_fetch_array -- SQLiteResult::fetch -- SQLiteUnbuffered::fetchFetches the next row from a result set as an array


sqlite_fetch_array ( resource $result [, int $result_type = SQLITE_BOTH [, bool $decode_binary = TRUE ]] ) : array

面向对象风格 (method):

SQLiteResult::fetch ([ int $result_type = SQLITE_BOTH [, bool $decode_binary = TRUE ]] ) : array
SQLiteUnbuffered::fetch ([ int $result_type = SQLITE_BOTH [, bool $decode_binary = TRUE ]] ) : array

Fetches the next row from the given result handle. If there are no more rows, returns FALSE, otherwise returns an associative array representing the row data.



The SQLite result resource. This parameter is not required when using the object-oriented method.


可选的 result_type 参数接受常量,且决定返回的数组如何被索引。使用 SQLITE_ASSOC 会仅返回关联索引(已命名字段),而 SQLITE_NUM 会仅返回数值索引。SQLITE_BOTH 会同时返回关联和数值索引。SQLITE_BOTH 是此函数的默认值。


decode_binary 参数设置为 TRUE(默认值)时,PHP 会解码那些由 sqlite_escape_string() 编码后的二进制数据。通常应保留此值为其默认值,除非要与其他使用 SQLlite 的应用程序建立的数据交互。


Returns an array of the next row from a result set; FALSE if the next position is beyond the final row.

SQLITE_ASSOCSQLITE_BOTH 返回的列名会依照 sqlite.assoc_case 配置选项的值决定大小写。


Example #1 Procedural example

$query sqlite_query($dbhandle'SELECT name, email FROM users LIMIT 25');
while (
$entry sqlite_fetch_array($querySQLITE_ASSOC)) {
'Name: ' $entry['name'] . '  E-mail: ' $entry['email'];

Example #2 Object-oriented example

= new SQLiteDatabase('sqlitedb');

$query $dbhandle->query('SELECT name, email FROM users LIMIT 25'); // buffered result set
$query $dbhandle->unbufferedQuery('SELECT name, email FROM users LIMIT 25'); // unbuffered result set

while ($entry $query->fetch(SQLITE_ASSOC)) {
'Name: ' $entry['name'] . '  E-mail: ' $entry['email'];


php cubrid 函数 fetch the next row from a result setphp ibm db2 函数 returns an array indexed by column position representing a row in a result setphp ibm db2 函数 returns an array indexed by column name representing a row in a result setphp ibm db2 函数 returns an array indexed by both column name and position representing a row in a result setphp ibm db2 函数 sets the result set pointer to the next row or requested rowphp ibm db2 函数 returns a single column from a row in the result setphp dbx 函数 fetches rows from a query result that had the dbx result unbuffered flag setphp oci8 函数 returns the next row from a query as an associative or numeric arrayphp oci8 函数 returns the next row from a query as an associative arrayphp oci8 函数 returns the next row from a query as a numeric arrayphp oci8 函数 fetches the next row into result bufferphp sqlite 函数 fetches a column from the current row of a result setphp sqlite 函数 fetches the current row from a result set as an arrayphp sqlite 函数 fetches all rows from a result set as an array of arraysphp sqlite 函数 fetches the next row from a result set as an arrayphp sqlite 函数 fetches the next row from a result set as an objectphp sqlite 函数 fetches the first column of a result set as a stringphp sqlite 函数 seek to the previous row number of a result setphp sqlsrv 函数 makes the next row in a result set available for readingphp sqlite3result fetches a result row as an associative or numerically indexed array or both