php expect 函数 waits until the output from a process matches one of the patterns a specified time period has passed or an eof is seenphp gupnp 函数 set device callback functionphp firebird/interbase 函数 register a callback function to be called when events are postedphp ldap 函数 set a callback function to do re binds on referral chasingphp output control 函数 在ob start中使用的用来压缩输出缓冲区中内容的回调函数。ob start callback function to gzip output bufferphp tidy 函数 ob start callback function to repair the bufferphp oci8 函数 unregister a user defined callback function for oracle database tafphp swoole 函数 add new callback functions of a socket into the eventloopphp swoole 函数 add callback function to the next event loopphp swoole 函数 update the event callback functions of a socketphp swoole 函数 trigger a one time callback function in the futurephp swoole 函数 check if a timer callback function is existedphp swoole 函数 trigger a timer tick callback function by time intervalphp swoole event add a callback function to the next event loop.php swoole http client register callback function by event name.php swoole server trigger a callback function after a period of time.php swoole server delay execution of the callback function at the end of current eventloop.php swoole timer trigger a callback function after a period of time.php swoole timer repeats a given function at every given time interval.php swoole websocket server register event callback function