php 其它服务 gearmanphp gearman the gearmanclient classphp gearman the gearmanexception classphp gearman the gearmanjob classphp gearman the gearmantask classphp gearman the gearmanworker classphp cairo 函数 descriptionphp 目录函数函数 改变目录php trader 函数 morning starphp trader 函数 upside gap two crowsphp gearman 预定义常量php 范例 basic gearman client and worker backgroundphp 范例 basic gearman client and worker submitting tasksphp gearman 范例php gearman 安装/配置php gearmanclient get the last gearman return codephp gearmanworker get last gearman return codephp gearman 简介php oci8 oci8 transparent application failover taf supportphp 安装/配置 运行时配置