php 图像生成和处理 图像处理 imagemagick php cairofontoptions the setsubpixelorder purposephp cairoimagesurface retrieves the width of the cairoimagesurfacephp imagemagick the imagick classphp imagemagick the imagickdraw classphp imagemagick the imagickpixel classphp imagemagick the imagickpixeliterator classphp maxdb 函数 returns whether thread safety is given or notphp imagemagick 预定义常量php imagemagick 范例php imagick returns the imagemagick api copyright as a stringphp imagick returns the imagemagick home urlphp imagick returns a string containing the imagemagick licensephp imagick returns the imagemagick package namephp imagick returns the imagemagick release datephp imagick returns the imagemagick api versionphp imagemagick 安装/配置php opcode descriptions and examples isset isempty varphp imagemagick 简介php solrquery determines what kind of parameters to include in the response