php intl the intliterator classphp intl the intlpartsiterator classphp intl the intlrulebasedbreakiterator classphp intl the intltimezone classphp intl the locale classphp intl the normalizer classphp intl the numberformatter classphp intl the resourcebundle classphp intl the transliterator classphp intl the uconverter classphp intl 函数 get symbolic name for a given error codephp intl 函数 get the last error codephp intl 函数 get description of the last errorphp intl 函数 check whether the given error code indicates failurephp intl 预定义常量php intl 范例php intl 安装/配置php intl 简介php locale gets the default locale value from the intl global default locale php intl grapheme 函数