php ev the ev classphp ev the evfork classphp kadm5 函数 changes the principal s passwordphp kadm5 函数 creates a kerberos principal with the given parametersphp kadm5 函数 deletes a kerberos principalphp kadm5 函数 closes the connection to the admin server and releases all related resourcesphp kadm5 函数 flush all changes to the kerberos databasephp kadm5 函数 gets all policies from the kerberos databasephp kadm5 函数 gets the principal s entries from the kerberos databasephp kadm5 函数 gets all principals from the kerberos databasephp kadm5 函数 opens a connection to the kadm5 libraryphp kadm5 函数 modifies a kerberos principal with the given parametersphp mssql 函数 select ms sql databasephp intlrulebasedbreakiterator get the binary form of compiled rulesphp kadm5 简介php kadm5 预定义常量php kadm5 范例php kadm5 安装/配置php kadm5 kadm5 函数php splfixedarray gets the size of the array