

(PHP 5, PHP 7)

mysqli::$field_count -- mysqli_field_countReturns the number of columns for the most recent query




mysqli_field_count ( mysqli $link ) : int

Returns the number of columns for the most recent query on the connection represented by the link parameter. This function can be useful when using the mysqli_store_result() function to determine if the query should have produced a non-empty result set or not without knowing the nature of the query.



仅以过程化样式:由mysqli_connect()mysqli_init() 返回的链接标识。


An integer representing the number of fields in a result set.


Example #1 $mysqli->field_count example


= new mysqli("localhost""my_user""my_password""test");

$mysqli->query"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS friends");
$mysqli->query"CREATE TABLE friends (id int, name varchar(20))");

$mysqli->query"INSERT INTO friends VALUES (1,'Hartmut'), (2, 'Ulf')");

$mysqli->real_query("SELECT * FROM friends");

if (
$mysqli->field_count) {
/* this was a select/show or describe query */
$result $mysqli->store_result();

/* process resultset */
$row $result->fetch_row();

/* free resultset */

/* close connection */



mysqli_query($link"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS friends");
mysqli_query($link"CREATE TABLE friends (id int, name varchar(20))");

mysqli_query($link"INSERT INTO friends VALUES (1,'Hartmut'), (2, 'Ulf')");

mysqli_real_query($link"SELECT * FROM friends");

if (
mysqli_field_count($link)) {
/* this was a select/show or describe query */
$result mysqli_store_result($link);

/* process resultset */
$row mysqli_fetch_row($result);

/* free resultset */

/* close connection */
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