php 压缩与归档扩展 pharphp gmagick creating a parallelogramphp phar 添加一个空目录到 phar 档案php phar 将一个文件从文件系统添加到 phar 档案中php phar returns whether phar extension supports writing and creating pharsphp phar convert a phar archive to a non executable tar or zip filephp phar convert a phar archive to another executable phar archive file formatphp phar copy a file internal to the phar archive to another new file within the pharphp creating phar archives creating phar archives introductionphp phar creating phar archivesphp what makes a phar a phar and not a tar or a zip? ingredients of all phar archives independent of file formatphp what makes a phar a phar and not a tar or a zip? phar file formatphp phar what makes a phar a phar and not a tar or a zip?php phar instructs phar to intercept fopen file get contents opendir and all of the stat related functionsphp phar returns the full path on disk or full phar url to the currently executing phar archivephp using phar archives using phar archives introductionphp using phar archives using phar archives the phar and phardata classphp phar using phar archivesphp using phar archives using phar archives the phar stream wrapperphp phar mapphar for web based phars. front controller for web applications