
(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0, PHP 7)

RecursiveArrayIterator::getChildrenReturns an iterator for the current entry if it is an array or an object


public RecursiveArrayIterator::getChildren ( void ) : RecursiveArrayIterator

Returns an iterator for the current iterator entry.




An iterator for the current entry, if it is an array or object.


An InvalidArgumentException will be thrown if the current entry does not contain an array or an object.


Example #1 RecursiveArrayIterator::getChildren() example

= array("a" => "lemon""b" => "orange", array("a" => "apple""p" => "pear"));

$iterator = new RecursiveArrayIterator($fruits);

while (
$iterator->valid()) {

    if (
$iterator->hasChildren()) {
// print all children
foreach ($iterator->getChildren() as $key => $value) {
$key ' : ' $value "\n";
    } else {
"No children.\n";



No children.
No children.
a : apple
p : pear


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