php domnode gets the namespace prefix of the node based on the namespace uriphp dbase 函数 gets the header info of a databasephp dbase 函数 gets a record from a database as an associative arrayphp imap 函数 gets the number of recent messages in current mailboxphp sqlsrv 函数 gets field data from the currently selected rowphp date/time 函数 gets the version of the timezonedbphp gmagick gets the image histogramphp gmagick gets the index of the current active imagephp imagick gets the current image s compression qualityphp imagick gets the image rendering intentphp mongocursorinterface gets information about the cursor s creation and iterationphp mongolog gets the previously set callback functionphp multipleiterator gets the number of attached iterator instancesphp reflectionzendextension gets authorphp reflectionzendextension gets copyrightphp reflectionzendextension gets namephp reflectionzendextension gets urlphp reflectionzendextension gets versionphp splfileinfo gets the filenamephp stomp gets the current stomp session id