php 非文本内容的 mime 输出 rpm header readingphp eio 函数 cancels a request groupphp eio 函数 perform file readahead into page cachephp eio 函数 sync a file segment with diskphp rpm reader 函数 closes an rpm filephp rpm reader 函数 retrieves a header tag from an rpm filephp rpm reader 函数 tests a filename for validity as an rpm filephp rpm reader 函数 opens an rpm filephp rpm reader 函数 returns a string representing the current version of the rpmreader extensionphp 安装/配置 运行时配置php gearmanclient add a high priority background task to be run in parallelphp gearmanclient run a single task and return a resultphp rpm reader 简介php pht vector acquires the vector s mutex lockphp pool 停止所有的 worker 对象php 安装/配置 需求php rpm reader rpm reader 函数php rpm reader 预定义常量php rpm reader 范例php rpm reader 安装/配置