php sam 简介php sam sam 函数php sam 预定义常量php sam 范例php sam 安装/配置php sam 函数 commits completes the current unit of workphp sam 函数 establishes a connection to a messaging serverphp sam 函数 creates a new connection to a messaging serverphp sam 函数 queries whether a connection is established to a messaging serverphp sam 函数 read a message from a queue without removing it from the queuephp sam 函数 read one or more messages from a queue without removing it from the queuephp sam 函数 receive a message from a queue or subscriptionphp sam 函数 remove a message from a queuephp sam 函数 cancels rolls back an in flight unit of workphp sam 函数 send a message to a queue or publish an item to a topicphp sam 函数 turn on or off additional debugging outputphp sam 函数 create a subscription to a specified topicphp sam 函数 cancel a subscription to a specified topicphp sam 函数 the body of the messagephp sam 函数 creates a new message object