php 进程控制扩展 semaphore shared memory and ipcphp 进程控制扩展 shared memoryphp apc 函数 retrieves apc s shared memory allocation informationphp apcu 函数 retrieves apcu shared memory allocation informationphp semaphore 函数 creates or open a shared memory segmentphp semaphore 函数 removes a variable from shared memoryphp semaphore 函数 removes shared memory from unix systemsphp shared memory 函数 close shared memory blockphp shared memory 函数 delete shared memory blockphp shared memory 函数 create or open shared memory blockphp shared memory 函数 read data from shared memory blockphp shared memory 函数 get size of shared memory blockphp shared memory 函数 write data into shared memory blockphp shared memory 简介php shared memory 预定义常量php shared memory 范例php syncsharedmemory check to see if the object is the first instance system wide of named shared memoryphp syncsharedmemory copy data from named shared memoryphp syncsharedmemory returns the size of the named shared memoryphp syncsharedmemory copy data to named shared memory