
(PHP 5 >= 5.1.2, PHP 7)

SimpleXMLElement::getNamespaces Returns namespaces used in document


public SimpleXMLElement::getNamespaces ([ bool $recursive = FALSE ] ) : array

Returns namespaces used in document



If specified, returns all namespaces used in parent and child nodes. Otherwise, returns only namespaces used in root node.


The getNamespaces method returns an array of namespace names with their associated URIs.


Example #1 Get document namespaces in use


= <<<XML
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<people xmlns:p="" xmlns:t="">
    <p:person id="1">John Doe</p:person>
    <p:person id="2">Susie Q. Public</p:person>
$sxe = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);

$namespaces $sxe->getNamespaces(true);



array(1) {
  string(21) ""


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