
(PECL solr >= 0.9.2)

SolrQuery::getMltReturns whether or not MoreLikeThis results should be enabled


public SolrQuery::getMlt ( void ) : bool

Returns whether or not MoreLikeThis results should be enabled




Returns a boolean on success and NULL if not set.

php maxdb 函数 returns whether thread safety is given or notphp mongocursor sets whether this cursor will be left open after fetching the last resultsphp reflectionparameter returns whether this parameter can be passed by valuephp reflectionparameter returns whether parameter must be callablephp solrquery add a field to be used to group resultsphp solrquery used to control how the results should be sortedphp solrquery returns the maximum number of constraint counts that should be returned for the facet fieldsphp solrquery returns the minimum counts for facet fields should be included in the responsephp solrquery returns the list of fields that will be returned in the responsephp solrquery returns true if grouping is enabledphp solrquery returns all the fields that solr should generate highlighted snippets forphp solrquery returns whether or not to enable highlighting for range/wildcard/fuzzy/prefix queriesphp solrquery returns whether or not the collapse contiguous fragments into a single fragmentphp solrquery returns whether or not morelikethis results should be enabledphp solrquery returns whether or not the query will be boosted by the interesting term relevancephp solrquery returns the treshold frequency at which words will be ignored which do not occur in at least this many docsphp solrquery returns whether or not stats is enabledphp solrquery returns whether or not the termscomponent is enabledphp solrquery returns whether or not to include the lower bound in the result setphp solrquery returns whether or not to include the upper bound term in the result set