
(PECL solr >= 2.2.0)

SolrQuery::setGroupLimitSpecifies the number of results to return for each group. The server default value is 1


public SolrQuery::setGroupLimit ( int $value ) : SolrQuery

Specifies the number of results to return for each group. The server default value is 1.





php ev return the number of times the default event loop has polled for new eventsphp informix 函数 sets the default return value on a fetch rowphp solrquery allows grouping results based on the unique values of a function query group.func parameter php solrquery requests a return of sub results for values within the given facetphp solrquery returns the number of rows to display in each group expand.rows php solrquery returns group cache percent valuephp solrquery returns the group.facet parameter valuephp solrquery returns the group.format valuephp solrquery returns the maximum number of characters of the field to returnphp solrquery returns the number of similar documents to return for each resultphp solrquery returns the maximum number of tokens to parse in each document field that is not stored with termvector supportphp solrquery returns the maximum number of terms solr should returnphp solrquery sets the number of rows to display in each group expand.rows . server default 5php solrquery specifies the number of results to return for each group. the server default value is 1php solrquery sets the maximum number of characters of the field to returnphp solrquery specifies the number of characters into a document to look for suitable snippetsphp solrquery set the number of similar documents to return for each resultphp solrquery specifies the maximum number of tokens to parsephp solrquery specifies the maximum number of rows to return in the resultphp zookeeper return the timeout for this session only valid if the connections is currently connected ie. last watcher state is zoo connected state . this value may change after a server re connect