
(PECL solr >= 0.9.2)

SolrQuery::setMltMaxNumQueryTermsSets the maximum number of query terms included


public SolrQuery::setMltMaxNumQueryTerms ( int $value ) : SolrQuery

Sets the maximum number of query terms that will be included in any generated query.



The maximum number of query terms that will be included in any generated query


Returns the current SolrQuery object, if the return value is used.

php solrquery returns the maximum number of constraint counts that should be returned for the facet fieldsphp solrquery returns the maximum number of characters of the field to returnphp solrquery returns the maximum number of characters into a document to look for suitable snippetsphp solrquery returns the maximum number of characters from a field when using the regex fragmenterphp solrquery returns the maximum number of highlighted snippets to generate per fieldphp solrquery returns the maximum number of query terms that will be included in any generated queryphp solrquery returns the maximum number of tokens to parse in each document field that is not stored with termvector supportphp solrquery returns the maximum number of documentsphp solrquery returns the maximum number of terms solr should returnphp solrquery if true solr includes the number of groups that have matched the query in the resultsphp solrquery sets the maximum number of characters of the field to returnphp solrquery sets the maximum number of highlighted snippets to generate per fieldphp solrquery whether to highlight phrase terms only when they appear within the query phrasephp solrquery sets the maximum number of query terms includedphp solrquery specifies the maximum number of tokens to parsephp solrquery sets the maximum word lengthphp solrquery sets the search queryphp solrquery specifies the maximum number of rows to return in the resultphp solrquery sets the name of the field to get the terms fromphp solrquery sets the maximum number of terms to return