php 搜索引擎扩展 swish indexingphp swish 简介php swish swish 函数php swish 预定义常量php swish 函数 construct a swish objectphp swish 范例php swish 函数 get the list of meta entries for the indexphp swish 函数 prepare a search queryphp swish 函数 execute a query and return results objectphp swish 安装/配置php swish 函数 get a list of meta entriesphp swish 函数 stems the given wordphp swish 函数 get an array of parsed wordsphp swish 函数 get an array of stopwords removed from the queryphp swish 函数 get the next search resultphp swish 函数 set current seek pointer to the given positionphp swish 函数 execute the search and get the resultsphp swish 函数 reset the search limitsphp swish 函数 set the search limitsphp swish 函数 set the structure flag in the search object