php swoole the swoole http client classphp swoole the swoole http request classphp swoole client set the swoole client parameters before the connection is established.php swoole http client add a file to the post form.php swoole http client send the http request after setting the parameters.php swoole http client send get http request to the remote server.php swoole http client check if the http connection is connected.php swoole http client register callback function by event name.php swoole http client send post http request to the remote server.php swoole http client push data to websocket client.php swoole http client update the http client paramters.php swoole http client set the http request cookies.php swoole http client set the http request body data.php swoole http client set the http request headers.php swoole http client set the http request method.php swoole http client upgrade to websocket protocol.php swoole http response set the cookies of the http response.php swoole http response set the http response headers.php swoole http response set the raw cookies to the http response.php swoole http response set the status code of the http response.