php gearmantask send data for a task deprecated php gearmantask send data for a taskphp swoole client send data to the remote tcp socket.php swoole http client send get http request to the remote server.php swoole http client send post http request to the remote server.php swoole http response send data for the http request and finish the response.php swoole process send signal to the child processes.php swoole server used in task process for sending result to the worker process when the task is finished.php swoole server stop receiving data from the connection.php swoole server send data to the client.php swoole server send file to the connection.php swoole server send message to worker processes by id.php swoole server send data to the remote udp address.php swoole server send data to the remote socket in the blocking way.php swoole server shutdown the master server process this function can be called in worker processes.php swoole server send data to the task worker processes.php swoole server send data to the task worker processes in blocking way.php swoole websocket server get a pack of binary data to send in a single frame.php swoole websocket server push data to the remote client.php swoole websocket server unpack the binary data received from the client.