Functions and Statements which will spread the tainted mark of a tainted string

Function/Statement Since
= (assign) 0.1.0
. (concat) 0.1.0
"{$var}" (variable substitution) 0.1.0
.= (assign concat) 0.1.0
strval 0.3.0
explode/split 0.3.0
implode/join 0.3.0
sprintf 0.3.0
vsprintf 0.3.0
trim 0.4.0
rtrim 0.4.0
ltrim 0.4.0
strstr 0.5.0
str_pad 0.5.0
str_replace 0.5.0
substr 0.5.0
strtolower 0.5.0
strtoupper 0.5.0

php gettext 函数 specify the character encoding in which the messages from the domain message catalog will be returnedphp taint 函数 checks whether a string is taintedphp runkit 函数 determines if the current functions return value will be usedphp swoole 函数 add new callback functions of a socket into the eventloopphp 杂项 函数 unpack data from binary stringphp mongocursor sets whether this cursor will wait for a while for a tailable cursor to return more dataphp sqlite pdo registers an aggregating user defined function for use in sql statementsphp soapserver sets the object which will be used to handle soap requestsphp solrquery returns the maximum word length above which words will be ignoredphp solrquery returns the treshold frequency at which words will be ignored which do not occur in at least this many docsphp solrquery returns the frequency below which terms will be ignored in the source documentphp solrquery returns the minimum word length below which words will be ignoredphp solrquery specifies a string prefix with which to limits the terms on which to facetphp solrquery sets the frequency below which terms will be ignored in the source docsphp solrresponse returns more details on the http statusphp more details functions and statements which will spread the tainted mark of a tainted stringphp taint more detailsphp more details functions and statements which will check tainted stringphp more details functions which untaint the tainted stringphp zookeeperconfig gets the last committed configuration of the zookeeper cluster as it is known to the server to which the client is connected synchronously