
(PECL zookeeper >= 0.1.0)

Zookeeper::isRecoverableChecks if the current zookeeper connection state can be recovered


public Zookeeper::isRecoverable ( void ) : bool

The application must close the handle and try to reconnect.


Returns true/false on success, and false on failure.


This method emits PHP error/warning when operation fails.


Since version 0.3.0, this method emits ZookeeperException and it's derivatives.


php apcuiterator checks if current position is validphp directoryiterator determine if current directoryiterator item can be readphp directoryiterator determine if current directoryiterator item can be written tophp mcve 函数 checks to see if response is comma delimitedphp ncurses 函数 checks if terminal color definitions can be changedphp runkit 函数 determines if the current functions return value will be usedphp imagick checks if the current item is validphp phar returns true if the phar archive can be modifiedphp phardata returns true if the tar/zip archive can be modifiedphp recursiveiterator returns if an iterator can be created for the current entryphp recursiveregexiterator returns whether an iterator can be obtained for the current entryphp solrdocument checks if a field existsphp solrdocument checks if the current position internally is still validphp solrinputdocument checks if a field existsphp spoofchecker checks if given strings can be confusedphp swoole connection iterator check if current position is valid.php zookeeper return the client session id only valid if the connections is currently connected ie. last watcher state is zoo connected state php zookeeper return the timeout for this session only valid if the connections is currently connected ie. last watcher state is zoo connected state . this value may change after a server re connectphp zookeeper get the state of the zookeeper connectionphp zookeeper checks if the current zookeeper connection state can be recovered