php ffi ffi exceptionsphp ffi ffi parser exceptionsphp ffi main interface to c code and dataphp ffi creates an unmanaged pointer to c dataphp ffi gets the alignmentphp ffi 预定义常量php 范例 basic ffi usagephp 范例 a complete php/ffi/preloading examplephp ffi 范例php ffi releases an unmanaged data structurephp ffi loads c declarations from a c header filephp ffi compares memory areasphp ffi copies one memory area to anotherphp ffi fills a memory areaphp ffi creates a c data structurephp ffi gets the size of c data or typesphp ffi creates a php string from a memory areaphp ffi creates an ffi ctype object from a c declarationphp ffi gets the ffi ctype of ffi cdataphp ffi 简介