
(PECL ibm_db2 >= 1.1.1)

db2_client_infoReturns an object with properties that describe the DB2 database client


db2_client_info ( resource $connection ) : object

This function returns an object with read-only properties that return information about the DB2 database client. The following table lists the DB2 client properties:

DB2 client properties
Property name Return type Description
APPL_CODEPAGE int The application code page.
CONN_CODEPAGE int The code page for the current connection.
DATA_SOURCE_NAME string The data source name (DSN) used to create the current connection to the database.
DRIVER_NAME string The name of the library that implements the DB2 Call Level Interface (CLI) specification.
DRIVER_ODBC_VER string The version of ODBC that the DB2 client supports. This returns a string "MM.mm" where MM is the major version and mm is the minor version. The DB2 client always returns "03.51".
DRIVER_VER string The version of the client, in the form of a string "MM.mm.uuuu" where MM is the major version, mm is the minor version, and uuuu is the update. For example, "08.02.0001" represents major version 8, minor version 2, update 1.

The level of ODBC SQL grammar supported by the client:


Supports the minimum ODBC SQL grammar.


Supports the core ODBC SQL grammar.


Supports extended ODBC SQL grammar.

ODBC_VER string The version of ODBC that the ODBC driver manager supports. This returns a string "MM.mm.rrrr" where MM is the major version, mm is the minor version, and rrrr is the release. The DB2 client always returns "03.01.0000".



Specifies an active DB2 client connection.


Returns an object on a successful call. Returns FALSE on failure.


Example #1 A db2_client_info() example

To retrieve information about the client, you must pass a valid database connection resource to db2_client_info().

db2_connect'SAMPLE''db2inst1''ibmdb2' );
$client db2_client_info$conn );

if (
$client) {
"DRIVER_NAME: ";           var_dump$client->DRIVER_NAME );
"DRIVER_VER: ";            var_dump$client->DRIVER_VER );
"DATA_SOURCE_NAME: ";      var_dump$client->DATA_SOURCE_NAME );
"DRIVER_ODBC_VER: ";       var_dump$client->DRIVER_ODBC_VER );
"ODBC_VER: ";              var_dump$client->ODBC_VER );
"APPL_CODEPAGE: ";         var_dump$client->APPL_CODEPAGE );
"CONN_CODEPAGE: ";         var_dump$client->CONN_CODEPAGE );
else {
"Error retrieving client information.
     Perhaps your database connection was invalid."



DRIVER_NAME: string(8) "libdb2.a"
DRIVER_VER: string(10) "08.02.0001"
DRIVER_ODBC_VER: string(5) "03.51"
ODBC_VER: string(10) "03.01.0000"


  • db2_server_info() - Returns an object with properties that describe the DB2 database server

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