
(PECL ibm_db2 >= 1.7.1)

db2_last_insert_idReturns the auto generated ID of the last insert query that successfully executed on this connection


db2_last_insert_id ( resource $resource ) : string

Returns the auto generated ID of the last insert query that successfully executed on this connection.

The result of this function is not affected by any of the following:

  • A single row INSERT statement with a VALUES clause for a table without an identity column.

  • A multiple row INSERT statement with a VALUES clause.

  • An INSERT statement with a fullselect.




A valid connection resource as returned from db2_connect() or db2_pconnect(). The value of this parameter cannot be a statement resource or result set resource.


Returns the auto generated ID of last insert query that successfully executed on this connection.


Example #1 A db2_last_insert_id() example

The following example shows how to return the auto generated ID of last insert query that successfully executed on this connection.


$user "db2inst1";
$password "ibmdb2";

$conn db2_connect($database$user$password);
$conn) {
$createTable "CREATE TABLE lastInsertID 
      (id integer GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, name varchar(20))"
$insertTable "INSERT INTO lastInsertID (name) VALUES ('Temp Name')";

$stmt = @db2_exec($conn$createTable);

/* Checking for single row inserted. */
$stmt db2_exec($conn$insertTable);
$ret =  db2_last_insert_id($conn);
$ret) {
"Last Insert ID is : " $ret "\n";
    } else {
"No Last insert ID.\n";
else {
"Connection failed.";


Last Insert ID is : 1

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