
(PECL ibm_db2 >= 1.6.0)

db2_escape_string Used to escape certain characters


db2_escape_string ( string $string_literal ) : string

Prepends backslashes to special characters in the string argument.



The string that contains special characters that need to be modified. Characters that are prepended with a backslash are \x00, \n, \r, \, ', " and \x1a.


Returns string_literal with the special characters noted above prepended with backslashes.


Example #1 A db2_escape_string() example

Result of using the db2_escape_string() function



if (
$conn) {
$str[0] = "All characters: \x00 , \n , \r , \ , ' , \" , \x1a .";
$str[1] = "Backslash (\). Single quote ('). Double quote (\")";
$str[2] = "The NULL character \0 must be quoted as well";
$str[3] = "Intersting characters: \x1a , \x00 .";
$str[4] = "Nothing to quote";
$str[5] = 200676;
$str[6] = "";

$str as $string ) {
"db2_escape_string: " db2_escape_string($string). "\n";


db2_escape_string: All characters: \0 , \n , \r , \\ , \' , \" , \Z .
db2_escape_string: Backslash (\\). Single quote (\'). Double quote (\")
db2_escape_string: The NULL character \0 must be quoted as well
db2_escape_string: Intersting characters: \Z , \0 .
db2_escape_string: Nothing to quote
db2_escape_string: 200676


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