
(PECL gupnp >= 0.1.0)

gupnp_service_action_setSets the specified action return values


gupnp_service_action_set ( resource $action , string $name , int $type , mixed $value ) : bool

Sets the specified action return values.



A service action identifier.


The name of the variable to retrieve.


The type of the variable to retrieve. Type can be one of the following values:

Type of the variable is boolean.
Type of the variable is integer.
Type of the variable is long.
Type of the variable is double.
Type of the variable is float.
Type of the variable is string.


The value of the variable to retrieve.


成功时返回 TRUE, 或者在失败时返回 FALSE


Issues E_WARNING with neither not correctly defined type of the variable or the value is not corresponding to the defined type.


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