
(PHP 7 >= 7.2.0)

hash_hmac_algosReturn a list of registered hashing algorithms suitable for hash_hmac


hash_hmac_algos ( void ) : array


Returns a numerically indexed array containing the list of supported hashing algorithms suitable for hash_hmac().


Example #1 hash_hmac_algos() example



    [0] => md2
    [1] => md4
    [2] => md5
    [3] => sha1
    [4] => sha224
    [5] => sha256
    [6] => sha384
    [7] => sha512/224
    [8] => sha512/256
    [9] => sha512
    [10] => sha3-224
    [11] => sha3-256
    [12] => sha3-384
    [13] => sha3-512
    [14] => ripemd128
    [15] => ripemd160
    [16] => ripemd256
    [17] => ripemd320
    [18] => whirlpool
    [19] => tiger128,3
    [20] => tiger160,3
    [21] => tiger192,3
    [22] => tiger128,4
    [23] => tiger160,4
    [24] => tiger192,4
    [25] => snefru
    [26] => snefru256
    [27] => gost
    [28] => gost-crypto
    [29] => haval128,3
    [30] => haval160,3
    [31] => haval192,3
    [32] => haval224,3
    [33] => haval256,3
    [34] => haval128,4
    [35] => haval160,4
    [36] => haval192,4
    [37] => haval224,4
    [38] => haval256,4
    [39] => haval128,5
    [40] => haval160,5
    [41] => haval192,5
    [42] => haval224,5
    [43] => haval256,5



Before PHP 7.2.0 the only means to get a list of supported hash algorithms has been to call hash_algos() which also returns hash algorithms that are not suitable for hash_hmac().


  • hash_hmac() - 使用 HMAC 方法生成带有密钥的哈希值
  • hash_algos() - 返回已注册的哈希算法列表
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