
(PHP 5 >= 5.5.0, PHP 7, PECL >= 3.0.0a1)

IntlTimeZone::getRawOffsetGet the raw GMT offset (before taking daylight savings time into account


public IntlTimeZone::getRawOffset ( void ) : int






php domtext breaks this node into two nodes at the specified offsetphp date/time 函数 格式化一个 gmt/utc 日期/时间php date/time 函数 取得 gmt 日期的 unix 时间戳php maxdb 函数 escapes special characters in a string for use in an sql statement taking into account the current charset of the connectionphp ncurses 函数 switch terminal into raw modephp imagickdraw returns the offset into the dash pattern to start the dashphp imagickdraw specifies the offset into the dash pattern to start the dashphp intlbreakiterator set the iterator position to the first boundary before an offsetphp intlcalendar whether the objectʼs time is in daylight savings timephp intltimezone get an enumeration over time zone ids associated with the given country or offsetphp intltimezone get the amount of time to be added to local standard time to get local wall clock timephp intltimezone create gmt utc timezonephp intltimezone translate a windows timezone into a system timezonephp intltimezone get the time zone raw and gmt offset for the given moment in timephp intltimezone get the raw gmt offset before taking daylight savings time into accountphp intltimezone get the region code associated with the given system time zone idphp intltimezone get the unknown time zonephp intltimezone check if this time zone uses daylight savings timephp mysqlnduhconnection escapes special characters in a string for use in an sql statement taking into account the current charset of the connectionphp solrquery sets the offset into the list of constraints to allow for pagination