
(PECL mysqlnd-uh >= 1.0.0-alpha)

MysqlndUhConnection::escapeString Escapes special characters in a string for use in an SQL statement, taking into account the current charset of the connection


public MysqlndUhConnection::escapeString ( mysqlnd_connection $connection , string $escape_string ) : string

Escapes special characters in a string for use in an SQL statement, taking into account the current charset of the connection.



Mysqlnd connection handle. Do not modify!


The string to be escaped.


The escaped string.


Example #1 MysqlndUhConnection::escapeString() example

class proxy extends MysqlndUhConnection {
 public function 
escapeString($res$string) {
printf("%s(%s)\n"__METHOD__var_export(func_get_args(), true));
$ret parent::escapeString($res$string);
printf("%s returns %s\n"__METHOD__var_export($rettrue));
mysqlnd_uh_set_connection_proxy(new proxy());

$mysqli = new mysqli("localhost""root""""test");


proxy::escapeString(array (
  0 => NULL,
  1 => 'test0\'test',
proxy::escapeString returns 'test0\\\'test'


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