php arrayiterator return current array entryphp arrayiterator return current array keyphp cachingiterator return the string representation of the current elementphp apd 函数 return all current regular resources as an arrayphp cubrid mysql 兼容性函数 return an array with the lengths of the values of each field from the current rowphp cubrid mysql 兼容性函数 return a numerical array with the values of the current rowphp cubrid 函数 return the current cubrid connection charsetphp judy 函数 return the type of a judy arrayphp judy 函数 return or print the current php judy versionphp yp/nis 函数 return an array containing the entire mapphp judy count the number of elements in the judy arrayphp judy return the type of the current judy arrayphp judy return the memory used by the judy arrayphp judy search for the previous index in the judy arrayphp judy search for the previous absent index in the judy arrayphp judy return the size of the current judy arrayphp recursivearrayiterator returns an iterator for the current entry if it is an array or an objectphp spldoublylinkedlist return current array entryphp splfixedarray return current array entryphp splfixedarray return current array index