php evperiodic returns the absolute time that this watcher is supposed to trigger nextphp ibm db2 函数 returns the precision of the indicated column in a result setphp ibm db2 函数 returns a result set listing primary keys for a tablephp frontbase 函数 move the internal result pointer to the next resultphp imap 函数 returns all of the imap errors that have occurredphp ldap 函数 get the next attribute in resultphp maxdb 函数 returns the next field in the result setphp oci8 函数 returns the next child statement resource from a parent statement resource that has oracle database 12c implicit result setsphp com 函数 returns the result from dividing two variantsphp mongocommandcursor advances the cursor to the next resultphp mongocursor advances the cursor to the next result and returns that resultphp mongocursor returns the current result s id or its index within the result setphp mongocursor advances the cursor to the next result and returns that resultphp mongocursor returns the cursor to the beginning of the result setphp mongocursor checks if the cursor is reading a valid resultphp ktaglib mpeg file returns an object that provides access to the audio propertiesphp mysqli result returns the next field in the result setphp solrquery returns the maximum number of query terms that will be included in any generated queryphp solrquery returns whether or not to include the lower bound in the result setphp sqlite3 returns the numeric result code of the most recent failed sqlite request